Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 127.

December 5, 2009.

I've told you that Dallas was expected to be a girl for the entire 38 weeks and 6 days he was in my belly, right? Okay... If not, now you know.

Maurice's mom went back to check and see if Siera had Isabelle yet. Because, she was expecting a girl her whole 39 weeks and 3 days she was pregnant. Janice comes back with the news that she had been born and that they were cleaning up then we'd all get to go see her. She told us that she had asked the nurse "boy or girl?" and the nurse told her that she couldn't tell and she laughed and said "Oh, I know she's a girl..."
Marty comes out (Siera's mom) and tells us that everything went well and they're both healthy. Then, she holds a camera up to Janice and I and says "His name is Gabriel Simaan, 7 lbs, 7 oz..." We were caught off guard... Snap.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?!?!? You're kidding! You swear to God?" Janice asked. I was still in SHOCK. NO WAY could this happen to me and my best friend within' almost a year's time! I was stunned but so very excited for Siera and Maurice! Even though, I kind of ruined their surprise because they didn't expect it but it wasn't such a shock to them as it was to me and Kevin since they knew someone it'd happened to before. Siera was smart though and didn't take the tags off of any of her clothes. Unlike me >_< *hehe*

I'm so proud of you both. You are great parents!

-Mrs. Nichelson ♥

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